I went out for dinner with mom, dad and Conman for Father's Day yesterday at the only nice restaurant in the immediate area - the "Park Restaurant". They had a very nice buffet; the food was good, the atmosphere quiet and the view is beautiful. And the best part? The company was pleasant.
Yes, you read that right. I said, "The company was pleasant". Kinda hard to believe, eh?
I was late getting there yesterday, and instead of barking,
why are you late!?!? mom said,
Wow, you look fantastic today! We started talking about vacations (they leave a week from yesterday, and are taking Conman with 'em, DH and I aren't going on vacation until late October) and instead of saying,
you can't afford to do that she was interested in the deals I got, where our hotel is located, and what we'll do while we're down there so late in the year. It's like some strange dream where my mom is "normal". I'm not quite comfortable with her yet - there's so much that's gone on that I can't just accept the way she's acting as the status quo yet; I'm still looking for the next snide remark or the next blowup. It may take a month or two for this to become the norm for me yet.
When I got home I thawed out some ground beef and made my homemade spaghetti sauce and a Drumstick Pie for DH for Father's Day. He wasn't home - he had to work yesterday (blah) but when he got home, dinner was just about ready, and he showered and had a good dinner with one of his favorite desserts. Conman had a couple of little presents for him, and I made a couple of Conman & DH-centric scrapbook pages, and all in all, I think he had a good Father's Day (though meager).
Last night I did my very first Karazhan run. We made it to Moroes with surprisingly minimal wipes. I had fun, but it was very,
very frustrating for me. I couldn't use voice chat because of my internet connection, and about 90% of the time I had no idea what was going on. Couple that with a party member that couldn't keep his target under control, and it was...difficult...to say the least. All in all, I had a good time and would probably go again, but I would hope that (1) any group I go with would have an extreme level of patience with me and (2) those who go are a little more prepared.
That's all I got for right now. Hope all you guys had a happy Father's Day!