see more crazy cat pics
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Friday, April 4, 2008
If there's anyone at all reading this, I'm gone to get ready for my interview with the ATV dealership at 1pm. I might be back this afternoon, I might not. I might play tonight, I might not. We'll see later.
Yesterday Afternoon
Well, after I logged off yesterday things got...interesting.
First, I logged out of here and went to pick up the boy. I always have to wait in the gym for him (you have to get there a 1/2 an hour early to get a decent parking spot) and I waited today with one of my friends. She works at a place where they sell ATVs as a finance manager. On the off-chance that there might possibly be work in the office with her, I asked her if the dealership had anything I could do. She said, "Well, I need a finance assistant. I didn't know you were still looking, or I would have called you. I have interviewed seven people and I don't want to hire any of them. Send me a resume tonight."
So there's that.
The next thing that happened was still while I was at school. One of the grandmas that was there to pick up her grandchild raced up to me and said, "I've been looking for you! I have DSL now, and we're going to get it for you, too." She then proceeded to explain to me what I needed to do and say to Verizon on the phone when I call them. Instead of taking the word of the first person I talk to that "no, it's not available", she said ask to speak with either a program manager for DSL or an engineer, which I did. Let me tell you, the 1/2 hour wait on hold to talk to the program manager was worth it. The guy I talked to initiated an engineering assessment of my address with regards to the homes that are about 1/2 a mile from my house or less that have the service. Mr. Program Manager said, "Mrs. Calli, I'm going to do everything I can. If they come back with a 'no' they'll at least tell you why this time. We're going to get you DSL, and get it as soon as possible. As soon as I know the results of the engineering study, you'll know, too." I was pleased with the response. Now I'm just waiting on the email.
Last thing that happened yesterday was I collected my yard sale money. I got a grand (net) total of $189.00. I dunno, is $189.00 enough to justify the blistering sunburn? *sigh* I dunno. But at least I paid a couple of bills with it.
First, I logged out of here and went to pick up the boy. I always have to wait in the gym for him (you have to get there a 1/2 an hour early to get a decent parking spot) and I waited today with one of my friends. She works at a place where they sell ATVs as a finance manager. On the off-chance that there might possibly be work in the office with her, I asked her if the dealership had anything I could do. She said, "Well, I need a finance assistant. I didn't know you were still looking, or I would have called you. I have interviewed seven people and I don't want to hire any of them. Send me a resume tonight."
So there's that.
The next thing that happened was still while I was at school. One of the grandmas that was there to pick up her grandchild raced up to me and said, "I've been looking for you! I have DSL now, and we're going to get it for you, too." She then proceeded to explain to me what I needed to do and say to Verizon on the phone when I call them. Instead of taking the word of the first person I talk to that "no, it's not available", she said ask to speak with either a program manager for DSL or an engineer, which I did. Let me tell you, the 1/2 hour wait on hold to talk to the program manager was worth it. The guy I talked to initiated an engineering assessment of my address with regards to the homes that are about 1/2 a mile from my house or less that have the service. Mr. Program Manager said, "Mrs. Calli, I'm going to do everything I can. If they come back with a 'no' they'll at least tell you why this time. We're going to get you DSL, and get it as soon as possible. As soon as I know the results of the engineering study, you'll know, too." I was pleased with the response. Now I'm just waiting on the email.
Last thing that happened yesterday was I collected my yard sale money. I got a grand (net) total of $189.00. I dunno, is $189.00 enough to justify the blistering sunburn? *sigh* I dunno. But at least I paid a couple of bills with it.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
It's Moments Like These...
...that I am truly thankful for best friends.
They make ya think. All but force you to. Why? Because they have nothing to gain or lose from some of the decisions that you make; their motives are the purest of all - you and your family's best interests. What would be the best thing for you to be successful and happy and healthy and satisfied. What would be the best thing to make you suffer less - be it stress, pain, trials, things like that.
I had a best friend moment this afternoon. One of those up there that makes me think about the path that I'm on. I'm satisfied for the most part with my life - I like my family more than I can express; I like my physical location, but there are several snags associated with it that takes away from my happiness and overall satisfaction.
My mother and I have never had a good relationship. I can generally tolerate her presence, but on the whole, she make my life (and the life of my family) completely unbearable. I "deal" daily with her pointing out my shortfalls, my disappointments, my failures. Never has she pointed out my accomplishments. And it's just not in one corner of my life, it's in every. single. aspect. of my daily life. I don't keep a clean enough house. I don't feed my child "healthy, well-balanced meals". I don't do enough to further the well-being of my family. There's nothing I do that meets her standards. The worst part? She owns my home, and lives about five minutes away. I can't get away from her even if I want to.
My best friend and I talk about her often - it's one of the ways that I've developed to deal with the way she makes me feel. It's recently (just this morning...again) been pointed out to me that if I don't get out from under her, it's going to eventually kill me. That's not an exaggeration, that's the honest truth, from someone outside looking in, from someone who has nothing to gain from telling me this, from someone who has nothing but the best interests of me and my family at heart.
Now I'm thinking about what I ought to do. My best friend is right about all of this. It's going to kill me eventually - either that or put me in a mental institution, or turn me into some sort of destructive addict. For the sake of my family, I NEED to get away. Where do I go, though? What would I do? When you make $700 every two weeks, how do you even begin to make a change that would be a positive step for your family without putting them in jeopardy in the meantime? I'm confused. I'm scared. I'm ready for a change. I'm ready to be my own person.
They make ya think. All but force you to. Why? Because they have nothing to gain or lose from some of the decisions that you make; their motives are the purest of all - you and your family's best interests. What would be the best thing for you to be successful and happy and healthy and satisfied. What would be the best thing to make you suffer less - be it stress, pain, trials, things like that.
I had a best friend moment this afternoon. One of those up there that makes me think about the path that I'm on. I'm satisfied for the most part with my life - I like my family more than I can express; I like my physical location, but there are several snags associated with it that takes away from my happiness and overall satisfaction.
My mother and I have never had a good relationship. I can generally tolerate her presence, but on the whole, she make my life (and the life of my family) completely unbearable. I "deal" daily with her pointing out my shortfalls, my disappointments, my failures. Never has she pointed out my accomplishments. And it's just not in one corner of my life, it's in every. single. aspect. of my daily life. I don't keep a clean enough house. I don't feed my child "healthy, well-balanced meals". I don't do enough to further the well-being of my family. There's nothing I do that meets her standards. The worst part? She owns my home, and lives about five minutes away. I can't get away from her even if I want to.
My best friend and I talk about her often - it's one of the ways that I've developed to deal with the way she makes me feel. It's recently (just this morning...again) been pointed out to me that if I don't get out from under her, it's going to eventually kill me. That's not an exaggeration, that's the honest truth, from someone outside looking in, from someone who has nothing to gain from telling me this, from someone who has nothing but the best interests of me and my family at heart.
Now I'm thinking about what I ought to do. My best friend is right about all of this. It's going to kill me eventually - either that or put me in a mental institution, or turn me into some sort of destructive addict. For the sake of my family, I NEED to get away. Where do I go, though? What would I do? When you make $700 every two weeks, how do you even begin to make a change that would be a positive step for your family without putting them in jeopardy in the meantime? I'm confused. I'm scared. I'm ready for a change. I'm ready to be my own person.
I had a Little Debbie Fudge Brownie for breakfast. It was good.
*tee hee - just for you, Miss R*
Anyway, on to the REAL post.
The past two days have been H.E.C.T.I.C. I spent Tuesday sequestered inside the church basement with my mom, her friend, her friend's mom and her friend's mom's boyfriend. I have to say, out of all of them, I enjoyed the company of the boyfriend the most - older guy, likes to talk, and easy to talk to. He had some fascinating stories about his travels and his children and all the things he's done in his life. Selling stuff in a yard sale is an easy way to bring those stories up, too - there was a lot of "You see that? I got that when I was..." Interesting chap. The other three? Not so much. My, I'm not even goin' there. Mom's friend? She's loud, she laughs entirely too much (and fake laughter, too, the worse kind) and has very little tolerance for anything. Friend's mother? Well, take that and add a HEALTHY dose of impatience and up the volume by a factor of 10. Add to that the fact that none of them are under 60, and you've got my day on Tuesday. Trapped inside.
Wednesday we moved the yard sale outside. Imagine the above, and now add in 40 degree temperatures in the morning, not more than 60 the rest of the day, and bright, BRIGHT sunlight in the afternoon. I had to chase windblown clothes, and the ambient temperature was cool enough that I didn't realize that my face, neck, and upper back was getting the ultimate sunburn. We're talking slightly under blister-stage. You know the kind - the kind of sunburn that gives you a belly ache and full-body chills. That was my last two days. Yay for me. I'm only hoping that the take (mom gives me the money she makes) is worth the torture of sore joints, muscles, and the mother of all sunburns. Oh, and the annoying people I got to socialize with, too.
Don and everybody else I usually goof off with all day long - I would have much rather been hanging out with y'all.
*tee hee - just for you, Miss R*
Anyway, on to the REAL post.
The past two days have been H.E.C.T.I.C. I spent Tuesday sequestered inside the church basement with my mom, her friend, her friend's mom and her friend's mom's boyfriend. I have to say, out of all of them, I enjoyed the company of the boyfriend the most - older guy, likes to talk, and easy to talk to. He had some fascinating stories about his travels and his children and all the things he's done in his life. Selling stuff in a yard sale is an easy way to bring those stories up, too - there was a lot of "You see that? I got that when I was..." Interesting chap. The other three? Not so much. My, I'm not even goin' there. Mom's friend? She's loud, she laughs entirely too much (and fake laughter, too, the worse kind) and has very little tolerance for anything. Friend's mother? Well, take that and add a HEALTHY dose of impatience and up the volume by a factor of 10. Add to that the fact that none of them are under 60, and you've got my day on Tuesday. Trapped inside.
Wednesday we moved the yard sale outside. Imagine the above, and now add in 40 degree temperatures in the morning, not more than 60 the rest of the day, and bright, BRIGHT sunlight in the afternoon. I had to chase windblown clothes, and the ambient temperature was cool enough that I didn't realize that my face, neck, and upper back was getting the ultimate sunburn. We're talking slightly under blister-stage. You know the kind - the kind of sunburn that gives you a belly ache and full-body chills. That was my last two days. Yay for me. I'm only hoping that the take (mom gives me the money she makes) is worth the torture of sore joints, muscles, and the mother of all sunburns. Oh, and the annoying people I got to socialize with, too.
Don and everybody else I usually goof off with all day long - I would have much rather been hanging out with y'all.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Just For Fun...
Your Thinking is Abstract and Random |
You are flexible, adaptable, and creative. There's many ways that you can learn - and you're up for any of them. You relate well to other people, and you do well working in groups. You can help people communicate together and work with each other's strengths. You don't work well with people who are competitive or adversarial. You prefer to work toward a common goal... not toward conflicting goals. |
Weekend in Review
So, over the weekend, DH, Conman and I did a "Dinner and a Movie" package at a local hotel. It was Conman's spring break week, and we decided that we needed to do something, no matter how small, to sort of "get away" with him. Y'know, make him feel like he'd actually had a spring break.
We left here at about 11am on Saturday and got there close to noon. We checked into the hotel (four hours early) and got our vouchers for the dinner and the movie. We went to Olive Garden (from here in known as "the OG") and tucked into one of our favorite meals. For a change, the boy ate nearly everything on his plate. My food was good, but there was a considerable absence of gravy on my pasta. I didn't complain, but I did clean my plate. We left and went back to the hotel where DH took a nap (he wasn't feeling 100%) and Conman and I donned our bathing suits and headed to the pool.
The pool was nice - the water was warm, not too crowded - but there was so much chlorine in the water that it was cloudy. After only an hour or so, my skin was itching and I was having trouble breathing in the pool's enclosure. The boy didn't want to leave, but I pulled him outta the pool, dried off, and we headed back to the room. After a few minutes snacking on over-priced vending machine sodas and candy bars, we headed out to do some shopping before hitting the movies. We didn't buy anything, but still - shopping's fun. At about 6:30 or so we hit the movies and watched Horton Hears a Who, which for a cartoon, was really, REALLY good (even though I'm not a backer of Dr. Seuss as a whole). After the movie we hit Maggie Moo's for enormous quantities of "mix-in" ice cream, and then off to Wal-Mart for some sodas (75c for a CAN of soda is just not in my financial picture). By that time, it was 10:30pm, WAY past the boy's bedtime, and he was flagging. We let him sit up and watch tv as long as he could hold his eyes open, but in a half an hour he was snoring. DH and I finished up watching The Matrix: Reloaded and then turned off the boob tube and went to sleep (or tried to).
The next morning, we woke up whenever we damn well felt like it - which translates to about 8am. Conman and I went down to have some complimentary breakfast (and I the most horrible coffee on the planet) and then, when we came back, DH decided he wanted a sausage biscuit. I hit Panera Bread Company for some good coffee, and brought him back a breakfast panini with sausage on it. Got myself some sort of cinnamon bagel thing (which rocked) to share with the boy. As we ate, we planned our day and watched Stewart Little (which the boy LOVED). With all that settled, we packed up and moved out - to Michael's craft store. We got Conman some supplies he needed for school, picked him up a mini-canvas to paint on, and bought me some stuff to make us a new "name plaque" to hang outside. Then, off to the house we went.
I enjoyed our trip. It's nice to shake up the norm a little bit every now and then.
We left here at about 11am on Saturday and got there close to noon. We checked into the hotel (four hours early) and got our vouchers for the dinner and the movie. We went to Olive Garden (from here in known as "the OG") and tucked into one of our favorite meals. For a change, the boy ate nearly everything on his plate. My food was good, but there was a considerable absence of gravy on my pasta. I didn't complain, but I did clean my plate. We left and went back to the hotel where DH took a nap (he wasn't feeling 100%) and Conman and I donned our bathing suits and headed to the pool.
The pool was nice - the water was warm, not too crowded - but there was so much chlorine in the water that it was cloudy. After only an hour or so, my skin was itching and I was having trouble breathing in the pool's enclosure. The boy didn't want to leave, but I pulled him outta the pool, dried off, and we headed back to the room. After a few minutes snacking on over-priced vending machine sodas and candy bars, we headed out to do some shopping before hitting the movies. We didn't buy anything, but still - shopping's fun. At about 6:30 or so we hit the movies and watched Horton Hears a Who, which for a cartoon, was really, REALLY good (even though I'm not a backer of Dr. Seuss as a whole). After the movie we hit Maggie Moo's for enormous quantities of "mix-in" ice cream, and then off to Wal-Mart for some sodas (75c for a CAN of soda is just not in my financial picture). By that time, it was 10:30pm, WAY past the boy's bedtime, and he was flagging. We let him sit up and watch tv as long as he could hold his eyes open, but in a half an hour he was snoring. DH and I finished up watching The Matrix: Reloaded and then turned off the boob tube and went to sleep (or tried to).
The next morning, we woke up whenever we damn well felt like it - which translates to about 8am. Conman and I went down to have some complimentary breakfast (and I the most horrible coffee on the planet) and then, when we came back, DH decided he wanted a sausage biscuit. I hit Panera Bread Company for some good coffee, and brought him back a breakfast panini with sausage on it. Got myself some sort of cinnamon bagel thing (which rocked) to share with the boy. As we ate, we planned our day and watched Stewart Little (which the boy LOVED). With all that settled, we packed up and moved out - to Michael's craft store. We got Conman some supplies he needed for school, picked him up a mini-canvas to paint on, and bought me some stuff to make us a new "name plaque" to hang outside. Then, off to the house we went.
I enjoyed our trip. It's nice to shake up the norm a little bit every now and then.
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