Thursday, August 14, 2008


So, we bought a car today. $1500 and a 2000 Kia Sephia is ours. The car runs good, is legal (of utmost importance - that much sought-after sticker) and will serve it's purpose well, acting as DH's work car. It's been well-taken-care-of, too, so it ought to last a good long time. I'm glad that the pressure to get the Honda fixed and actually road-worthy is off, and with a relatively low loan amount (loaned from my dad) we ought to be able to pay it off relatively quickly and not have to worry about it. Yeah, it needs a little work - there's some rust on the rocker panels, the rear-view mirror is gone, and the horn doesn't work - but still, we're not trying to win a car show or anything. DH just needs reliable transportation to get back and forth to work.

We have become totally obsessed with the Olympics. We've watched swimming every night this week with smatterings of fencing, gymnastics and other sundry sports. It's been exciting, and we've even managed to get Conman interested in some of what's going on. So far he likes the swimming and fencing. I think he'd like the diving, too, if they'd ever freakin' show any of it. Maybe we're just missing it...maybe it hasn't happened yet...I dunno.

Lastly, this blog is my place where I'm free to speak my thoughts. I thoroughly expect no repercussions from anything I say here, and I would not dose out any for something said on anyone else's. I speak my mind, as this is my space. If you don't like what I have to say, don't read it. That's all I'm going to say. If you do have questions, I'm open to answering them, otherwise, that's all I have to say about that.

DH shaved his head - we're talking Bic razor blades and shaving cream here - last night. Surprisingly, I like it...a lot. It suits him. I didn't think it would, but it does. He kept the beard and moustache, but the hair is gone. *grin* So, imagine if you can, a mixture of Capt. Jack Sparrow and Mr. Clean, and you've pretty much got my DH pegged (minus the great big hoop earring, of course).

That's about it for today. Work tomorrow and Saturday, football on Sunday, and running around to register the new car on Monday, then work on Tuesday. Don't expect word from me again until Wednesday-next week. Until then, stay safe!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Well, I don't really have a decision to make - I've already made it - I just have to figure out how to state it to everyone else. Why is that such a problem? Well, it's complicated.

There's one big, huge reason, and that's the obvious one to everyone, and I don't want it to seem like the reason I made my decision was purely reactionary to that particular event - it's not. I have several other reasons why, and I can't openly nor honestly talk about them. So the question then becomes, how do you cover up the truth and make it seem like the obvious isn't the reasons behind your decision? That's what's so hard for me.

The next thing is dealing with the end of a friendship. It's not so bad when someone you know, someone you casually interact with, sort of drifts away. When it's bad is when you loose someone you consider your best friend. No, they didn't die or anything like that. We have drifted apart and my previous best friend is doing things that I don't approve of, and quite honestly, that's the end of it. We've tried to talk about it, but neither of us feels like we're getting through to the other. I can't continue to be hurt by it anymore, so I have decided to end the relationship.

So, my decisions have been made, I just have to figure out how to convey them. Hope your day is better than mine.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Man, what a hectic two weeks.

Wait - let me start out a little differently. Let me start like this:

The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

I still live. A bit more tired than usual, a bit busier than usual, but still breathing in and out, heart still circulating blood (I think - lemme check - yep, everything seems to still be working).

Last week the finance manager where I work was on vacation, so I had to work every day. To those of you who work full-time jobs, keep yer yaps shut. I know you do that every day of your lives, and yes, I can appreciate it, but I don't. I'm a part-time finance assistant and a full-time mommy. This week of full-time mommy and substitute-full-time-finance-manager has just killed me. I didn't have time to write much less have time to think about what to say.

Conman's feet are much better. He's finished with PT and progressing nicely in football (I've typed that in so many emails, so many posts, that I feel like a broken record). His first game was on Sunday, 08/10, and he got to go in and play two or three times. While he was in there he looked good, like he kinda-sorta knew what he was doing (it was the first game...none of 'em knew what they were doing, really) and did what the coaches told him to do. He's been having trouble "hitting" - he doesn't want to tackle - but I think now that he understands that it's all part of the game he's warming to it.

I got word from the Board of Education that Conman's transfer for his first-grade year came through fine, and he'll be attending the same school this year as he did last year. Thank goodness. I didn't want to have to take him a half-an-hour to school every morning.

I went to the doctor myself today. Finally, someone who will work with me. In the past, doctors have not wanted to put me on any sort of birth control because I had my tubes tied about five years ago. "There's no need for it, you don't need pregnancy prevention, and menstrual regulation isn't reason enough to put you on them." Not this nurse practitioner. She said, "Does being irregular bother you? Yes? Okay. We'll start you on something immediately." Not only that, but after nearly 15 years of trying to get ANY doctor to listen to me about the cystic acne on my body, I finally have someone not only willing to listen, but willing to do something about it. She's starting me on a course of treatment that will ultimately clear it up, which is something that I've wanted for years. It's painful, unsightly, and makes me look "unclean" even though I AM clean. Oh, and the best news? She plans on starting me on something to regulate my moods. She doesn't want to start me on anti-depressants at the same time as birth control, so the next time I go in to see her, if all is well, she will start me on something to regulate my moods. Do I need it? Hell yes. DH could tell you that probably better than I could.

We're going to be selling our house. Probably in the coming year sometime. My dad wants to get rid of this house and property, and his as well. He's too old to take care of so much yard, and DH is just plain old too busy to take care of ours. Plus, we need to live somewhere that's actually within my preferred school district - this yearly transfer crap is just too much to deal with. If things don't change, though, we'll be going further than just "down the road" somewhere - we're looking at going out of state if DH's job doesn't get any more...lucrative.

Well, that's where it's at right now. Off to bed tonight, work in the morning, and directly to football practice tomorrow evening. Good health to you all!