Okay, this is likely to be semi-lengthy, so if you're interested, just hang with me for a little bit.
1. Went on a job interview yesterday at Pages-O-Thousand (no, I'm not going to put the real name of the place on here, but you ought to be able to figure it out with that little hint). I don't want anything more than a part-time job, and the place where I work MUST be exceptionally flexible. I thought it would be impossible to find something like this, but I also MUST have a job, if to just supplement DH's income. I have to say, I was impressed with what the Assistant General Manager who interviewed me had to say. I pulled no punches about the importance of my family, and made sure I let him know I wouldn't sacrifice time with my child for a job. I also told him up-front that I would absolutely NOT be available for the entire Memorial Day Weekend because I was hosting a "family reunion" at my house (well, it pretty much is...so it's not an entire lie...). His answer? No problem. The only hang-up for me is that the pay is the Federal minimum wage for the first 60 days, and the job's about 45 minutes away. Right now I'm leaning toward taking the job, but I've got to think about it a little bit more. I told him I would be back in contact with them on Monday.
2. The "To-Do" list - Well, lemme tell you, I'm almost all there. Everything except for the actual cleaning of the house for the ELC is done. There's still a lot to do besides just cleaning the house, but I kinda lump it all under "ELC Stuff" and keep putting it off. It MUST get done, though, so I just need someone to light a fire under my ass.
3. Mom's yard sale - No, I haven't talked about this yet, either (the job thing up there - hadn't mentioned that yet) but mom's wanting me to help her with another yard sale this spring. On one hand I want to do it because she gives me the proceeds from the stuff she sells and we REALLY need the money, but on the other hand I hate being the one "young person" at the yard sale willing to take care of the merchandise. I have to run after wind-scattered items, talk to all the customers and take all the money - even on items that either I or my mom don't own. Yeah. I know. Sounds fun. But...like I said, I need the money. BADLY. So I'll do it.
4. So, I got a letter in the mail at my parents' house yesterday. It was a letter from the IRS. If you check your mailbox, you probably got one, too. It was addressed to "Dear Taxpayer,". Now, I find this incredibly annoying. The Tax Rebate program that the letter was about was touted ALL OVER television for about a month, and if you DON'T know about it by now, go crawl back under your rock. Why, oh, why, Mr. Tax Man, did you feel the need to send out this letter and spend even MORE of my money that I don't have? Thank you. Thank you very much for spending money to send me a letter about a program that I already know all about. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I guess that's all. Thanks for hangin' with me for a few minutes.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Slowly Driven Insane
(or, Things That Make Me Want to Smack Someone)
So, there's a chance that one of these days I'll go on a killing spree one day (I mean, it's a minute chance, but it's a chance, anyway - there's a chance you will, too...quit looking at me like that...it's true...). Anyway, if that 0.0000000000001% chance comes to fruition and you're wondering "OMG, why did she do it!?!?", remember this post and come back and take a look at it. Chances are the reason why is listed somewhere on here.
Things that Drive Me Crazy on a Daily Basis:
1. People who don't obey the simplest of driving laws such as dimming their headlights, using signal lights and obeying lane restrictions. I often wonder how they obtained their licenses, and if they did, in fact, take the same written and practical driving tests that I did. Either that, or they "know somebody" at the DMV, 'cause I actually had to know this stuff before they'd give me that little piece of plastic.
2. People who think that, because you don't share their opinion about music, television, movies, politics, religion, hell, anything, then you're stupid. This is a fallacy because, given the fact that I have taken the time and thought about it enough to develop an opinion, whether you agree with it or not, indicates that I'm not stupid. Rational thought takes intelligence, at least I think, and if I've applied my rational thought to develop an opinion, then please, oh please consider that whether you think it's right or wrong, that it's valid.
3. Clothes manufacturers who believe that every woman who wishes to be stylish is size 12 and under. Now, I'll admit that I'm 32 years old and I can't dress like I'm 15 anymore; however, conversely, I am 32 years old and don't want to dress like I'm 70. I'd like to have at least moderately fashionable clothes that don't cost $70-$80 per piece. I want to at least appear that I have some fashion sense, and accentuate my well-developed curves; not cover them up with a brightly-colored, heavily-spangled potato sack.
4. The expectation that I have to "do" my hair and wear makeup to be "pretty". Okay, so, I want to know - who made the rule that "made-up" equates to "beautiful"? I like feeling pretty as much as the next girl, but I don't like to feel like I look fake with the use of makeup and a heavy coat of shellac on my hair. I can be just as pretty as the next girl sans-makeup. And don't look at me like I'm insane when I check my look in the mirror, like what I see au-natural, and declare I'm ready to go. Wear all the makeup you want - make it 2" thick for all I care - but don't fault me 'cause I don't wanna do that, too.
5. When I eat, I eat in my own manner and to my own specifications. Chances are, I don't particularly care for what you're eating (otherwise, I would have ordered that, too), but I have enough tact to not sit across from you at the table and make "disgusted" faces at you while you're eating. Please have the common courtesy to do the same for me. It'll reduce the chances that you'll get a nice, hot steak forcefully wrapped around your head if you do.
6. I smoke. Get over it. You telling me, "You know, smoking's bad for your health!" in a bright, cheery manner isn't going to make me have a sudden revelation that, OMG, I'm killing myself, and I'm going...to...die...TODAY!...because of it! Yes, I've heard that particular statement somewhere before...smoking's bad for me. Oh, wow, newsflash! Okay, let me tell you a little secret. Lots of stuff is really bad for you in the right proportions. Uncontrolled eating makes you fat; uncontrolled drinking is just as (if not moreso) deadly (and not just to you - how many "smoking and driving" deaths have YOU heard of, hmm?); drinking too much soda pop will ruin your teeth and your kidneys; taking recreational pharmaceuticals will turn your brain into Swiss cheese...want me to go on? I could. Smoking gets all the attention, but man, give it a rest. At this point, "smokers" the world over know it's bad, and to be quite honest, it's my choice to smoke. Let me make my own decision, please, thank you.
7. Cell phones were not created so you can talk and/or text while you drive your car. They're two distinctly different processes requiring a mutually exclusive amount of brain power. I know you think you can do it, but trust me - you can't. That wreck that happened right behind you that you just missed? Yeah. You caused that by talking to your BFF on your celly while you were driving, jackass.
8. Don't assume that because your family makes more money than mine does that you're "better" than I am. You put your pants on one leg at a time just like I do, and my time is just as valuable as yours is - quite possibly, my time is more important than yours because I don't live an idle life. I have things I must get done or there's an epic failure in my household. You? You just get someone else to do it for you 'cause you can pay 'em. So, shut the hell up, stop complaining, and don't accuse me of being "lazy" just 'cause I'm poor.
9. West Virginia Goth and/or "Emo" Kids. Yep, I went there. Now, there's no denying that I'm quite possibly the oldest living "emo kid" on the planet, but I just hide it better than most. Why? Hm...lemme see. I have a personality that's my own? We'll start there. But anyway, back to goth and emo kids, especially in the dear Mountain State. Number one, listen, kids, you've got it pretty good here. You don't have to worry about being shot on your way to school, for the most part your parents are pretty good to you and let you do what you want, and you actually have opportunity to get out of this place if you wanna go. Don't f**k it up by acting like a complete idiot. But how, Calli, am I acting a fool? Educate me, please! I beg! Okay. Here's the deal. Hot Topic does not exist to supply your entire wardrobe. At most, you ought to have five or six "accent pieces" out of there to make a statement. Because, let's face it, the way you look right now is just a bit on the overkill side. Yes, yes, we see the black cargo pants slung to your asshole, the mountains of silvery chains and belts weighting them down further, the torn black henley, the black fishnet "armwarmer" things you insist on wearing, and it's quite obvious you got stock from AquaNet, L'oreal hair color and Cover Girl for Christmas this year. What you don't realize is that (1) That "look" went out of style about 5 years ago and if you spent some time with pop culture you'd realize you're not as cool as you think you are; (2) No one thinks you look cool...just...disturbed...in a bad way; (3) Listening to one song by The Cure does not prove your "Goth-ness"; and (4) There are more important things in life than "looking the part", like actually doing something with your damn life. You'll realize this once you have to live on your own and mommy and daddy won't buy your hair color, hair spray and makeup anymore.
That's about it for now. This list subject to change and/or addition without notice.
So, there's a chance that one of these days I'll go on a killing spree one day (I mean, it's a minute chance, but it's a chance, anyway - there's a chance you will, too...quit looking at me like that...it's true...). Anyway, if that 0.0000000000001% chance comes to fruition and you're wondering "OMG, why did she do it!?!?", remember this post and come back and take a look at it. Chances are the reason why is listed somewhere on here.
Things that Drive Me Crazy on a Daily Basis:
1. People who don't obey the simplest of driving laws such as dimming their headlights, using signal lights and obeying lane restrictions. I often wonder how they obtained their licenses, and if they did, in fact, take the same written and practical driving tests that I did. Either that, or they "know somebody" at the DMV, 'cause I actually had to know this stuff before they'd give me that little piece of plastic.
2. People who think that, because you don't share their opinion about music, television, movies, politics, religion, hell, anything, then you're stupid. This is a fallacy because, given the fact that I have taken the time and thought about it enough to develop an opinion, whether you agree with it or not, indicates that I'm not stupid. Rational thought takes intelligence, at least I think, and if I've applied my rational thought to develop an opinion, then please, oh please consider that whether you think it's right or wrong, that it's valid.
3. Clothes manufacturers who believe that every woman who wishes to be stylish is size 12 and under. Now, I'll admit that I'm 32 years old and I can't dress like I'm 15 anymore; however, conversely, I am 32 years old and don't want to dress like I'm 70. I'd like to have at least moderately fashionable clothes that don't cost $70-$80 per piece. I want to at least appear that I have some fashion sense, and accentuate my well-developed curves; not cover them up with a brightly-colored, heavily-spangled potato sack.
4. The expectation that I have to "do" my hair and wear makeup to be "pretty". Okay, so, I want to know - who made the rule that "made-up" equates to "beautiful"? I like feeling pretty as much as the next girl, but I don't like to feel like I look fake with the use of makeup and a heavy coat of shellac on my hair. I can be just as pretty as the next girl sans-makeup. And don't look at me like I'm insane when I check my look in the mirror, like what I see au-natural, and declare I'm ready to go. Wear all the makeup you want - make it 2" thick for all I care - but don't fault me 'cause I don't wanna do that, too.
5. When I eat, I eat in my own manner and to my own specifications. Chances are, I don't particularly care for what you're eating (otherwise, I would have ordered that, too), but I have enough tact to not sit across from you at the table and make "disgusted" faces at you while you're eating. Please have the common courtesy to do the same for me. It'll reduce the chances that you'll get a nice, hot steak forcefully wrapped around your head if you do.
6. I smoke. Get over it. You telling me, "You know, smoking's bad for your health!" in a bright, cheery manner isn't going to make me have a sudden revelation that, OMG, I'm killing myself, and I'm going...to...die...TODAY!...because of it! Yes, I've heard that particular statement somewhere before...smoking's bad for me. Oh, wow, newsflash! Okay, let me tell you a little secret. Lots of stuff is really bad for you in the right proportions. Uncontrolled eating makes you fat; uncontrolled drinking is just as (if not moreso) deadly (and not just to you - how many "smoking and driving" deaths have YOU heard of, hmm?); drinking too much soda pop will ruin your teeth and your kidneys; taking recreational pharmaceuticals will turn your brain into Swiss cheese...want me to go on? I could. Smoking gets all the attention, but man, give it a rest. At this point, "smokers" the world over know it's bad, and to be quite honest, it's my choice to smoke. Let me make my own decision, please, thank you.
7. Cell phones were not created so you can talk and/or text while you drive your car. They're two distinctly different processes requiring a mutually exclusive amount of brain power. I know you think you can do it, but trust me - you can't. That wreck that happened right behind you that you just missed? Yeah. You caused that by talking to your BFF on your celly while you were driving, jackass.
8. Don't assume that because your family makes more money than mine does that you're "better" than I am. You put your pants on one leg at a time just like I do, and my time is just as valuable as yours is - quite possibly, my time is more important than yours because I don't live an idle life. I have things I must get done or there's an epic failure in my household. You? You just get someone else to do it for you 'cause you can pay 'em. So, shut the hell up, stop complaining, and don't accuse me of being "lazy" just 'cause I'm poor.
9. West Virginia Goth and/or "Emo" Kids. Yep, I went there. Now, there's no denying that I'm quite possibly the oldest living "emo kid" on the planet, but I just hide it better than most. Why? Hm...lemme see. I have a personality that's my own? We'll start there. But anyway, back to goth and emo kids, especially in the dear Mountain State. Number one, listen, kids, you've got it pretty good here. You don't have to worry about being shot on your way to school, for the most part your parents are pretty good to you and let you do what you want, and you actually have opportunity to get out of this place if you wanna go. Don't f**k it up by acting like a complete idiot. But how, Calli, am I acting a fool? Educate me, please! I beg! Okay. Here's the deal. Hot Topic does not exist to supply your entire wardrobe. At most, you ought to have five or six "accent pieces" out of there to make a statement. Because, let's face it, the way you look right now is just a bit on the overkill side. Yes, yes, we see the black cargo pants slung to your asshole, the mountains of silvery chains and belts weighting them down further, the torn black henley, the black fishnet "armwarmer" things you insist on wearing, and it's quite obvious you got stock from AquaNet, L'oreal hair color and Cover Girl for Christmas this year. What you don't realize is that (1) That "look" went out of style about 5 years ago and if you spent some time with pop culture you'd realize you're not as cool as you think you are; (2) No one thinks you look cool...just...disturbed...in a bad way; (3) Listening to one song by The Cure does not prove your "Goth-ness"; and (4) There are more important things in life than "looking the part", like actually doing something with your damn life. You'll realize this once you have to live on your own and mommy and daddy won't buy your hair color, hair spray and makeup anymore.
That's about it for now. This list subject to change and/or addition without notice.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Fakin' It
Yep, that's me. A great big fake.
I can hear you out there in interwebz-world (don't all yell at once, man, y'all are loud), But Calli, why are you a great big fake?
Well, lemme tell you.
1. I proclaim "writer" from the rooftops, but I haven't written a word on my novel in about a month and a half, and the only writing I'm consistently doing these days is for the Epic Dolls column. Yeah, I enjoy that a lot - it's like my first semi-professional writing gig - but it's not working on my novel, which is what I ought to be doing. Fake writer.
2. I have the label "Mom" pasted to my forehead, but most of the time I feel like that ought to have "By Default" in Sharpie marker underneath it. Yeah, I gave birth to Conman, but he spends his time with my parents. Why? 'Cause he proclaims loud and clear that that's where he'd rather be - not at home with mom and dad. When he's here I feed him, clothe him, keep him warm, give him lots of love and play time, but yet he prefers his grandparents. I'm a sucker, and Conman knows it; all it takes is one plaintive "But I wanna go with Mamaw!" and I'm a guilt-stricken pile of mommy-putty. Off he goes with Mamaw. Fake mom.
3. I also carry around the label of "Guild Administrator" pasted across my back. I think that particular label ought to have "Out of Habit" in Sharpie marker underneath it. I'm not the guild leader (praise be) but I help out quite a bit, and let me be honest here, I'm about 99% clueless. I don't spend the time reading like I ought to, and I'm getting further and further removed from what I ought to be doing. It's not apathy or anything like that, it's pure exhaustion, to be quite honest. I've worked hard to get where I am, and I knew it would take a lot of hard work to stay here, but man, this much? Okay, I asked for it, I ought to suck it up and just do it. Fake SAA.
That's about it. A lot of this probably isn't entirely true, but I'm having a rockin' time at my self pity-party, so let me enjoy my little wallow pit for a day.
I can hear you out there in interwebz-world (don't all yell at once, man, y'all are loud), But Calli, why are you a great big fake?
Well, lemme tell you.
1. I proclaim "writer" from the rooftops, but I haven't written a word on my novel in about a month and a half, and the only writing I'm consistently doing these days is for the Epic Dolls column. Yeah, I enjoy that a lot - it's like my first semi-professional writing gig - but it's not working on my novel, which is what I ought to be doing. Fake writer.
2. I have the label "Mom" pasted to my forehead, but most of the time I feel like that ought to have "By Default" in Sharpie marker underneath it. Yeah, I gave birth to Conman, but he spends his time with my parents. Why? 'Cause he proclaims loud and clear that that's where he'd rather be - not at home with mom and dad. When he's here I feed him, clothe him, keep him warm, give him lots of love and play time, but yet he prefers his grandparents. I'm a sucker, and Conman knows it; all it takes is one plaintive "But I wanna go with Mamaw!" and I'm a guilt-stricken pile of mommy-putty. Off he goes with Mamaw. Fake mom.
3. I also carry around the label of "Guild Administrator" pasted across my back. I think that particular label ought to have "Out of Habit" in Sharpie marker underneath it. I'm not the guild leader (praise be) but I help out quite a bit, and let me be honest here, I'm about 99% clueless. I don't spend the time reading like I ought to, and I'm getting further and further removed from what I ought to be doing. It's not apathy or anything like that, it's pure exhaustion, to be quite honest. I've worked hard to get where I am, and I knew it would take a lot of hard work to stay here, but man, this much? Okay, I asked for it, I ought to suck it up and just do it. Fake SAA.
That's about it. A lot of this probably isn't entirely true, but I'm having a rockin' time at my self pity-party, so let me enjoy my little wallow pit for a day.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Defining Moments
Every night before you go to sleep, I believe you ought to look at your day and find the "defining moments" - things that you will think about years later, point to, and be able to say, "See that, right there? That part of that day made me, me." Maybe that's why I'm an insomniac. Ahh, anyway...
I don't even have to wait until bedtime to find mine for today (no, I'm not telling you what it is - if you know, then, well, you know - if you don't, tough nuts). I can't really say things "changed" drastically today - they didn't - but there was definite understanding achieved, smoke was cleared, and life's grand.
To that end, I'm going to do something that I normally try to avoid on this blog. I have the distinct impression that posting lyrics on a blog are "emo" for some reason, and I'm desperately trying to shake that moniker. Regardless, here they are. Small Wonders by Rob Thomas - a song that I think reflects the defining moments way of living life to a "tee":
I don't even have to wait until bedtime to find mine for today (no, I'm not telling you what it is - if you know, then, well, you know - if you don't, tough nuts). I can't really say things "changed" drastically today - they didn't - but there was definite understanding achieved, smoke was cleared, and life's grand.
To that end, I'm going to do something that I normally try to avoid on this blog. I have the distinct impression that posting lyrics on a blog are "emo" for some reason, and I'm desperately trying to shake that moniker. Regardless, here they are. Small Wonders by Rob Thomas - a song that I think reflects the defining moments way of living life to a "tee":
Let it go,
Let it roll right off your shoulder
Don't you know
The hardest part is over
Let it in,
Let your clarity define you
In the end
We will only just remember how it feels
Our lives are made
In these small hours
These little wonders,
These twists & turns of fate
Time falls away,
But these small hours,
These small hours still remain
Let it slide,
Let your troubles fall behind you
Let it shine
Until you feel it all around you
And i don't mind
If it's me you need to turn to
We'll get by,
It's the heart that really matters in the end
Our lives are made
In these small hours
These little wonders,
These twists & turns of fate
Time falls away,
But these small hours,
These small hours still remain
All of my regret
Will wash away some how
But i can not forget
The way i feel right now
In these small hours
These little wonders
These twists & turns of fate
These twists & turns of fate
Time falls away but these small hours
These small hours, still remain,
Still remain
These little wonders
These twists & turns of fate
Time falls away
But these small hours
These little wonders still remain
Let it roll right off your shoulder
Don't you know
The hardest part is over
Let it in,
Let your clarity define you
In the end
We will only just remember how it feels
Our lives are made
In these small hours
These little wonders,
These twists & turns of fate
Time falls away,
But these small hours,
These small hours still remain
Let it slide,
Let your troubles fall behind you
Let it shine
Until you feel it all around you
And i don't mind
If it's me you need to turn to
We'll get by,
It's the heart that really matters in the end
Our lives are made
In these small hours
These little wonders,
These twists & turns of fate
Time falls away,
But these small hours,
These small hours still remain
All of my regret
Will wash away some how
But i can not forget
The way i feel right now
In these small hours
These little wonders
These twists & turns of fate
These twists & turns of fate
Time falls away but these small hours
These small hours, still remain,
Still remain
These little wonders
These twists & turns of fate
Time falls away
But these small hours
These little wonders still remain
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