Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bored, As Usual.

So, yeah. Completely and utterly bored out of my skull. I've done some house cleaning stuff, but now all I have to do is hurry up and wait - both the dishwasher and washing machine are running, and there's not much I can do until they're done.

I've been looking at my site meter hits over there, and it seems my tattoos are a hot subject. Lots of people from foreign countries looking at my tattoos. To satisfy those people, here's another of my tattoos:

This one is Tolkein elven writing, and it reads (roughly) "The pen is mightier than the sword". I got it in honor of my writing career, and it's across the top of my back just below my collar-line. It's about three years old now.

MySpace is wonky here at home. It won't load my applications, and that annoys the crap outta me. I've become totally addicted to "Mobsters" and I love my "SuperPoke Pet", but (I think) because of my internet connection (stupid dialup) I can't access them here. I can do 'em at work, but...well...I'm at work... I'm supposed to be doing, like, work-stuff.

Okay, that's it for now. Who knows, boredom may prompt another entry today. We'll see. If no one strikes up any conversation via IM, the chances of that are pretty good.

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