Saturday, January 12, 2008

Work and Movies

I've been hitting the keyboard hard lately, and I must say, it's more enjoyable than anything I've done in quite a while. Like I said in the last post, I've been working on an original language; on top of that, though, I'm also doing quite a bit of world building.

Now, to be quite honest, during the last four days not a lot has gotten done. DH has been off work on his "weekend" (which is actually four days long), and between talking with him during the day and talking with GL (as normal), I do absolutely nothing. I can generally get plenty done between sporadic conversation with GL when DH isn't home, but when DH is home, he somehow naturally fills in the blanks that I normally fill with work. Man, I love 'em both, but at any given moment I'd like to strangle either one or the other of 'em. They know this, so if they read this that won't come as any surprise.

But anyway, I'm looking forward to "my weekend" - Conman's at my parents' house this weekend, DH is going back to work, and GL's at home with W/GL and GL1 and GL2 (i.e., he's not at work where we usually talk). Tomorrow (yes, I realize that it is now tomorrow, but I haven't been to sleep yet, so to me, it's still today), I'm gonna (1) sleep until I wake up; (2) eat whatever I darn well please; and (3) write history and make up words until either my fingers fall off or my hands go numb. To you, this may not sound like the ideal day, but to me, this is heaven. Nirvana. Shangri-La.

Now, about movies.

DH and I watched two of 'em this evening. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer and Stardust. Now, DH picked the FF movie, and I picked Stardust, and I have to tell you, I liked MY movie a lot better than his.

FF seemed to start off slow for me, even though I'm more than a bit familiar with the universe the FF comes from (old-skool comic book fangirl here, my friends). I kinda feel like there was enough representation of the history and mythos of the FF in the first movie that all the exposition was really not needed in the second. And I know the story well enough to know that there was MORE than enough material with Galactus and the Surfer to make a much more action packed movie. But, all that being said, it wasn't a bad movie.

Oh, and did I mention that they didn't actually show Galactus in the movie? Disappointment X 10.

Oh, Stardust. Where can I start? This movie was fan.tas.tic. I absolutely loved the story, the effects, the was beautiful. Not on the scale of LoTR-bring-me-to-tears-beautiful, but nonetheless, very elegant and well-done. The cast was great, the script was great...I just really, REALLY liked this movie. A lot. Go rent it. Now.

Okay, more to come soon. Until then, stay healthy everybody!

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