My dear, sweet Conman has lost his first tooth! He's so cute with his little holey grin. Anyway, in a moment of motherly "awwwwwww" ness, here's the tale.
Con was at Sunday School yesterday morning with my parents. He reached for a crayon in Sunday School class, and when he did the little girl sitting next to him raised up and her head bumped into his chin. It knocked the already loose tooth even further out of its socket. There was a little blood, but my fella said, "I didn't cry, though, mom. It didn't hurt. There was just a little blood." Once my dad got him to their house, it just took one good yank on the tooth and out it came. Conman said it didn't bleed when it was finally out. I suppose all the bleeding was done when head made contact with chin.
When he got home he proudly handed me his tooth in a Ziploc bag and said, "I have to put it under my pillow, mom, or the Tooth Fairy won't bring me any money!"
The kid came to me at 8:30pm on Sunday night and asked to go to bed. This kid never does that. More often than not, he's asking to stay up later than he should. I think when he went to bed he was as anxious for a visit from the Tooth Fairy as he is about a visit from Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.
So, I got to be a fairy tonight. I waited until about 12:30am to sneak into his room, remove the still-bagged tooth and replace it with a one dollar bill. I think he'll be pleased with that; we don't have much, and even though the kids at school have told him that a tooth will fetch the (much inflated) price of five bucks, I think he'll understand. He's a good boy. He deserves that five dollars, I wish I could give it to him, but one dollar will have to do.
Anyway, that's my mommy-moment for the week.
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