Wednesday, August 27, 2008

(Re)Location, (Re)Location, (Re)Location

Today we began in earnest. We made the decision about a week ago. But today was the day.

Yep, we want to be outta Dodge in about 6 months. I applied for three jobs Down South in the past week, and DH applied for one BIG job Down South today. I also got in contact with a real estate agent Down South today, too. DH plans on applying for more jobs, and I will be getting in touch with the Down South JobBank tomorrow via telephone to find out how we apply for jobs and work with them on relocating from afar.

This is the culmination of a dream that's about 15 years old. I'm not good with the sun, my skin's too sensitive for salt water and sand, but you know what? I don't give a damn. I NEED to be near the sea. DH really wants this, too, and we will be working diligently to make it happen.

For once, I want to do something on my own that I want to do - I don't want to make the move at someone else's urging (like we did when we moved to North Carolina 10 years ago) - that only ended up with us coming back home 2 years later. It wasn't the right time, and we were never truly "at home" when we were down there. Now, with this move Down South, it's all us - WE have decided that this is what is right, WE have decided it's time, and actually, it's at the behest of everyone else that has any influence on our lives. Our friends will be sad to see us go - one has already told me as much - but at least she agrees that the time is right, and that this is the right thing to do. Heck, my BFF, when I told her I was going, said, "Hey, I might go with ya!"

If that's not a vote of confidence, I don't know what is.

So....therefore, wish us luck. We'd like to get everything done and get moved within 3 - 6 or 8 months. That includes new jobs, a new home, Conman enrolled in a new school, daycare secured, all the stuff that goes around with just daily life. It's a big proposition, especially with a young child, but I'm more ready for this than for anything I've ever been in my life.

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