Friday, March 28, 2008


I've read over the past two posts, and something seemed to jump out at me. Let me explain for ya:

1. Conman wakes up mumbling about not being left out of something.
2. Conman finds my ring the next day.

Now, it may be a stretch for some of y'all to connect, but it's almost like Conman was dreaming about finding my ring, and couldn't express it, and was trying to tell me that he had dreamed about something that he didn't want to miss. Could that "something" have been my ring?

I'm a believer in signs. I know that a lot of people, this day and age, don't really believe in them. People say, God doesn't send you signs - if he wants to do something for you he'll just do it. That's not the way I look at it, though. I think that with the really, really big stuff, God likes to prepare us, heart and soul, with smaller things. If we have something that we might consider "bad" on the horizon to deal with that we might not be able to see, He sends us a little heartbreak to prepare us for the big stuff. Likewise with the good stuff; if something is on the horizon that will make our heart soar, God's gonna send us a little blessing to get us in the right frame of mind to deal with all the joy He's about to send our way.

So, there's my theory on the past couple of days. Conman found my ring and I felt like I was walking in the clouds. I think it's a sign, and a good one at that. I can feel that there are better things on the horizon, and my heart's in the right place for it. I haven't been this happy, content, joyful, thankful, or felt like I was on the "right path" as I do right now in the past...oh....five or six years. It just feels right.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Saga of The Ring

Aside from the obvious Tolkien reference, I have a story to tell.

Back before Christmas, I lost my wedding band. I know how I lost it, but that's a story I'd rather not relate here (as it's a bit embarrassing), but suffice it to say it was gone. Note I said was - but we'll get to that in a minute.

Anyway, the ring was gone. We tore the house apart; went through the dining room, moved the couch in the computer room, went through every conceivable nook and cranny in my warren of a house looking for my most prized possession, the one piece of jewelry that I rarely take off, the very symbol of my union with DH. We didn't find it, even after several days of searching.

So, a couple of weeks before Christmas, DH and I decide that we're never going to find it, it's been consumed by the "house monster" and that I might as well just accept my heartbreak and go buy a new one. That was my Christmas gift for 2007 - a shiny, new wedding band, engraved this time (we couldn't afford it when we got married - they charged $5 per letter, and that was just WAY out of our budget then), and slightly wider, but still, close enough for the average observer. The point was, though, *I* knew the difference. It wasn't the one blessed by our reverend, it wasn't the one he put on my hand and then kissed me to seal the deal. It just wasn't the one.

I got my new ring and wore it with pride, but with a broken heart. I had given up on finding my ring, the ring, and hoped that maybe, someday, if we ever sell this house and have to move everything out, it might get shaken loose and then I'd have it. Maybe.

Then today came. Conman came in with his newest Lego creation, and was showing me how awesome it was, and how it could jump the wrinkle in the rug that covers the television cord that crosses the floor. I was in my normal mode, answering, "Yeah!" and "That's cool!" without really looking, paying attention but not. All of a sudden, I hear:

"Oh my gosh! Mommy! Mommy! Look! It's your ring!!"

My mouth hit the floor. He slipped it on his hand, on the finger that I wear my rings on - the "Wedding finger" - and rushes to my side. I pull off my engagement ring and the replacement and he, like his father ten years ago, slips the ring onto my finger. I almost cried.

I hugged him and hugged him and showered his face with kisses. I picked up every quarter I could find on my desk (because somehow, kisses didn't seem reward enough) and handed them to him. I hugged him some more, kissed him some more, and professed my undying love for him. He then asked, "What are you going to do with the other one, Mom?", to which I answered, "Well, I'm going to wear them both together. And when you get married some day, I'll give you one of them to give to your wife. How's that?" He said, "I think that would be really neat, Mom. Thanks!"

So there you have the saga of the ring. Miracles do happen...even little ones.

Feet in the Night

So, it's no secret to those who know me that I'm a chronic insomniac. I thought about something this evening though, that makes that somewhat okay, though.

When Conman was younger, he would trot off to bed at 9PM without so much as a word. He'd crawl in there, happy with a tuck-in, a quick story, a kiss from me and a whispered "I love you, boy." I'd get the sweetest words ever, back; "I love you too, mommy. I'll see ya in the morning. Oh, and mommy? Are you and daddy gonna watch some TV?" My answer would be, "Yes, son, we'll be watching TV for a while." He would then say back to me, "Good. I can't go to sleep if I don't hear it."

Now, I know from way back that "I can't sleep if I don't hear the TV" is Conman-speak for I just want to make sure you and dad are going to be in the next room for a while. I feel better when I know you guys are so close, and can go to sleep. I play along with the TV charade, though, because it makes him feel like a "big boy". Now, though, he's waking up more and more often while I'm watching TV after DH has gone to bed. I don't up the volume (we have a strict "5" rule at our house after 9PM) and often turn it to one of the satellite music channels where the volume is even lower. He gets up and comes to me, climbs in my lap and says something incoherent. This evening the conversation went something like this:

"Mommy....I....wanted to make sure....I won't miss out....on..."
"What honey? What did you say?"
"Are you watching TV?"
"Yes, sweetheart, I'm watching TV."
"Okay. Thank you."
"Conman, honey, what are you afraid you'll miss out on?"
"Okay then. Mommy won't let you miss out on anything if I can help it, okay?"
"Okay. Mmm...bed now."
"Okay sweetheart, let's go"

The fella jumped up off my lap and held my hand while I walked him back to the bedroom, helped him climb into bed and tucked him in, safe and sound, next to the stuffed beagle we call "Puppy". Kiss on the forehead from mom, and "I love you, son." / "I love you, mommy." exchange. I close the door with a great, big, huge smile on my face.

Just another day (or night) in paradise.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Okay, Happy Now?

This post is in response to somebody giving me a hard time this morning for NOT posting all week. I don't really have any news to impart, nor any humor to supply, nor any heartaches to share. I'm just

Anyway...DH and Conman and I will be heading "out of town" (I say that tongue-in-cheek) this Saturday for his get away moment for Spring Break. We're taking advantage of a Dinner and a Movie package at a local hotel, just to, well, you know, get outta the house for a night. Sad part is this is quite possibly the only vacation my happy little family will have this year. Oh well - it's a night in a hotel room with an indoor pool, a free (almost - just 2 tickets and we need 3) movie, and a free (up to $30) dinner at the OG. Pretty good deal, eh? All for the low, low price of $140.

I haven't heard back from Pages-O-Thousand yet, even though I emailed them on Monday. Went to price yard sale junk Monday (and yes, it IS mostly junk - think "Grandma Clothes" circa 1972). Patch day for WoW was yesterday, and I have the patch on disk in-transit from a wonderful, fantastic guild mate (thank you M, you totally, completely rock! Like, diamond! 'Cause after all, that's just a rock, right?). Posted a new "Dear Calli" column on the Epic Dolls site today, too.

That's about all y'all complainers out there...hesh up! *grin*wink*