Saturday, April 12, 2008

Temptation, Fulfillment and Satisfaction.

So, this post is about temptation, fulfillment and satisfaction.

No, you sillies, not that kind of temptation...geez, y'all, get your minds outta the gutter.

This that of the humble, the sweet, the delicious...strawberry. Oh yes. The strawberry. Oh, but my temptation is not limited to this one miracle of nature, oh no. This temptation is of the strawberry accompanied by Fruit Dip. So simple in construction, fruit dip, yet so decadent and indulgent. The two of them in combination is nothing short of...yes, I'm going to say it...orgasmic.

This afternoon, after I came home from work, I sat here at my computer desk and ate an entire container of strawberries and fruit dip. Oh yes I did. The temptation overcame me, and I gave in. My temptation has been fulfilled, and yes, I am VERY satisfied.

I am treating this little indulgence as my reward for (1) actually getting a job, (2) enjoying it and (3) completing the first full week of my employment. I deserve it. *grin* I've worked hard. *grin*

Friday, April 11, 2008

As I'm Headed Out the Door...

I suppose I'd just like it known that I want to feel important. I want my issues to be just as important as anyone else's, small though they might be. My heartaches and challenges are just as hard to overcome, just as difficult to deal with, and just as painful to observe. I work on them as best I can, and I'd like a little credit is all.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

So, I'm Stealing This...

...from Miss Person-Whose-Blog-I-Read. I'm sure she'll understand, and won't mind.

Today, Miss Person(et. al.) wrote on her blog about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. She went through the whole list of needs and commented on them, putting in there how they fit into her own life. Because there's not an original thought in my head, I decided it would be a good idea to do the same, see how I size myself up against that list.

- In, out, yeah. Got that.
Food - Too much, in fact.
Water - Well, coffee, soda pop and iced tea...but I reckon that contains "water", so yeah.
Sex - I'm happily married. VERY happily married.
Sleep - I get very little, and most of what I get is chemically induced, so I'd have to say a big fat "NO" on that one.
Homeostasis - Same thing, day in, day out. I'd say I've pretty much got this one licked.

Security of Body
- My DH is home every night, watching over me and the Conman. I don't have anything at all to worry about on the safety issue.
Security of Employment - I just got a new job, so my job security is entirely my own domain. My performance in the next few weeks will determine whether or not I keep my job.
Security of Resources - Hmmm. Nope, I can't say I really have that. Our paychecks are small, and while my parents haven't let me down in the past, there's nothing to say that they won't in the future. In other words, so far the well's not dried up, but it might dry up tomorrow, it might dry up next week, or a month from now.
Security of Morality - Well, I've managed to stay married, happily, for nearly ten years, and I've learned painful lessons about honesty and doing what's right. I'd like to think I'm a moral person, but it's always a work in progress.
Security of the Family - My family is my proudest achievement. I love my DH with my whole heart; my son is an extension of that. I feel 100% secure in their love for me, as well. I think I've got this one pretty much on the money, too.
Security of Health - Well, this one's questionable. I haven't been to a doctor of any sort in about 2 years. I'm sure I probably have arthritis in a lot of my major joints, I'm sure my diabetes isn't completely under control, I probably need someone to administer a real, live diet program form me, and I'm sure I could probably benefit from some sort of counseling. Therefore, I'd have to put a big, fat NO on this one.
Security of Property - This is another "iffy" one. We own our things, but not really our property (meaning our house and our land). Can I pay for my house and land? No. Does that bother me? Hell yes.

Love & Belonging
Friendship - This one's a bit odd for me to answer. It really depends on your definition of "friend". Is a friend someone you physically spend time with? Is a friend someone you confess your darkest secrets to? Is a friend someone that you talk to often, and that you help and they help you back? I dunno what they are. I can say that I have many "acquaintances", not so many friends. I have one or two friends, and that's about it. It almost seems like the number dwindles every day, too.
Family - No problems here. I love my family (DH and Conman) more than anything in the world. I can't imagine my life without them.
Romantic - See above - Happily married. To a fantastically romantic man (in his own way).
Sexual Intimacy - See above - Happily, HAPPILY married. I love him dearly, and have the most intimate relationship I could ever imagine. There isn't anything we don't share, and we thoroughly enjoy one another.

Self-esteem - I can't say that my self-esteem is very high. I can't stand my body, and I don't think myself very pretty. DH tells me I'm beautiful all the time, but he has to say that...he's married to me. *grin*
Confidence - I'm confident in my abilities. I am a more-than-competent writer, and a very competent employee, regardless of what job I'm doing. I'd say my confidence is pretty high.
Achievement - I'm not satisfied with my level of achievement. I would like to have been published by now, but I haven't been. I'd like to be a lot more than what I am, but money and opportunity keeps me from that right now. Hopefully in the future.
Respect of Others - I have a healthy respect for other people. I know that they do jobs of their own, and that they have areas of expertise that I don't have. I also respect their opinions and their views (as long as they don't try to "preach" them at me with an aim of conversion).
Respect by Others -
I would like to think that I have others' respect, but I dunno. I would like to hear it more often if i do, but oh well. Can't have everything, I suppose.

I'm not even gonna go there. I know I'm alive, I know I'm a parent and a wife, I know that I am an employee, and I know that I'm a writer. That's enough for me.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Things To Do on Thursday

1. Create name badges with graphic for work.
2. Create sticker for ELC 2008.
3. nothin' else. I'm sure there's more,, I'm exhausted. I can't think of anything else right now.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

1 Outta 2 Ain't Bad

Got the job I was talking about down below there - I start today. 9am - 6pm today.


Dear Ms. Calli

I received an answer from DSL engineering and regrettably your line is still too far from the central server to qualify for internet. I am sorry for this outcome and thank you for your inquiry..

Oh well - one outta two ain't bad, I suppose.