Friday, November 14, 2008

A little more from yesterday

So, what I neglected to put in my post yesterday was that I spent all day on Wednesday with...(drumroll) mother. And guess what? Not once was I tempted to reach across the kitchen table and strangle her. I think it's because we were doing something - scrapbooking - that she knows I know about and that she has no clue about, therefore, she couldn't take control of the situation. She had to sit and watch and listen and pick up on things rather than say, "We're doing it MY way."

Well, regardless, I think I've created a monster. We took a field trip to Wally-World to pick up some supplies and she picked up an additional two - count 'em - two - blank albums. She wants to do one album for her travels, one album for Conman, and an album for my grandma for a Christmas present. She's gathering up her pictures, pulling out the ones she likes and we're going on another supplies buying expedition to Huntington on Monday. Together. Yikes.

We never can get through much of a day out, alone, without some kind of argument. I hope this time it's better. I hope she's interested enough in what we're doing to think about that and not about nit-picking me the whole time. That's usually what starts it, her aggrevating me over something small and stupid, and me needing to brain her with something to get her to shut up. This time, though, I have high hopes. She has purpose, and for once, my purpose aligns with hers.

Wish me luck. I think I'll need it.

1 comment:

The Sassy Orange said...

I really miss your blog. Are you blogging elsewhere now?